Let’s open a window on the wider world! JA primary school programmes show young students the vast array of opportunities there are for them to use their talents, imagination and creativity when they grow up. JA programmes are also aligned with the formal curriculum. Let’s help students reach their best potential!
Our business volunteers choose the hands-on activity-based programme they would like to teach, the area they would like to teach it in and the time of year they would like to do this in. 2.5hrs training in all aspects of their chosen programme means our business volunteers are totally comfortable with classroom management, teaching techniques and each module of their programme. And of course, the teacher will be present in the classroom at all times lending additional support.
Ourselves (5 – 6 years)
Ourselves introduces the economic roles of individuals.
This programme runs for 30 minutes weekly for five weeks. Story time and small children. JA uses compelling stories about helping, working, earning, and saving along with hands-on activities to engage the students.

Our Families (6–7 Years)
Our Families discusses the role of families in the local economy.
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. A healthy society means working together. And it all starts with the people with whom we live. JA volunteers use a combination of pictures, stickers, and flashcards to engage students in activities about needs, wants, jobs, tools, skills, and interdependence.

Our Community (7–8 Years)
Our Community looks at responsibilities and economic opportunities within a community.
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. What lies beyond your front door? Let’s explore it! JA volunteers display a poster of a typical community and students meet some of the people who live and work there. Through hands-on activities, the students learn about workers, the work they perform, why workers are paid, what taxes are and how they are used as well as where to save money.

Our City (8–9 Years)
Our City considers economic development, local businesses, and career opportunities.
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. A city is a place where a lot of people live, work, play, and go to school. So JA classroom volunteers help students build a city! Students construct paper buildings, map out a city, write newspaper articles, plan their own restaurants, and examine why banks are important. Kindly sponsored by Core Media.

Our Nation (9–10 Years)
Our Nation studies business operations and economic issues in Ireland..
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. In this in-depth and action packed programme, students role-play business ownership, produce a product using different methods of production, look at the costs associated with running a business, create product advertisements, and take charge of their own businesses to make a profit! Our Nation studies business operations, resources and economic issues in Ireland.

Our World (10-11 Years)
Our World studies key curriculum areas and how they apply to the business world.
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. STEM Skills. Science. Technology. Engineering. Maths. Through hands-on activities each week students explore STEM skills and the role they play in the future of the business world. Exploring how technology and communications are vital growth areas in the global marketplace, students examine entrepreneurship and develop their own business ideas.

Energize (10–12 Years)
Energize, a partnership between JA and Gas Networks Ireland, explores the world of science and engineering in a fun and exciting way.
This programme runs for 40 minutes weekly for five weeks. The exciting world of science is all around us! Energize encourages students to continue with science in second level education and beyond and introduces them to the career opportunities available to them in the future. Energize explores the world of science; health and wellbeing, forensics, energy, safety and light in a fun and exciting way.
More than Money (12 – 13 Years)
JA More than Money reinforces the economics, business and social studies curriculum for students of sixth class primary and first year secondary school. The programme also provides a strong focus on mathematics, reading and writing skills. Students are encouraged to use a new way of thinking as they learn money-management skills and explore their career aspirations. For more information on the HSBC More than Money programme click the below links: