JA Ourselves
- Strand: Oral Language
- Strand Unit: Receptiveness to Language
- become an active listener through the development of a range of listening activities based on stories read or told
- listen to a story or description and respond to it
- Strand: Measures
- Strand Unit: Money Euro
- recognise coins up to 20 cents and use coins up to 10 cents
-exchange a number of coins for a single coin of equal value and vice versa
- use coins in shopping activities, tender appropriate coins, calculate change
- use correct vocabulary: cost, price, cheap/expensive, change, too much/
too little
Our Families
Small children like to do things by themselves. But as children grow, they discover that our society and our economy depend on people working together. JA volunteers use a combination of pictures, stickers, and flashcards to engage students in activities about needs, wants and jobs.
Strand: Myself and Others Strand Unit: Myself and My Family
- identify and talk about those who live at home and recognise that homes and families can vary
- explore how friends can influence personal actions and decisions
Strand: Human environments
Strand Unit: Living in the local community
• investigate the work of people in a range of locations in the locality
• become aware of the work of people in other areas who supply food and other products to us
Our Community
- Strand: Human Environments
- Strand Unit: Living in the local community
- explore and discuss his/her role and that of others in the family, school and local community
- become aware of and learn to value the diversity of people who live in the local community and the contribution they make
- Strand: Myself and the wider world
- Strand Unit: Developing Citizenship-- Identify those who have special responsibilities for looking after people in the community & the importance of the contribution of each individual to community life.
Our City
A city is a place where a lot of people live, work, play, and go to school. So JA volunteers help students build a city! Supported by Core the programme guides students to construct paper buildings, map out a city, plan their own restaurant business, create an advertising campaign and examine why banks are important.
- Strand: Human Environments
- Strand Unit: County, regional and national centres
- become familiar with the location and names of urban areas in the county, some of their important buildings, and other features
- Strand: Myself and the wider world
- Strand Unit: Developing Citizenship
- recognise how each person has both an individual and a communal responsibility to the community - Strand Unit: Media education
- explore some of the techniques use in marketing & advertising.
It's Our Planet
- Strand: Human Environments
- Strand Unit: People living and working in the local area and people living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland.
- explore and investigate, especially through practical studies, a small number of the common economic activities of people in the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland
- Strand: Environment Awareness
- come to appreciate the need to conserve resources Strand: Caring for the Environment
- come to appreciate individual, community and national responsibility for environmental care
It’s My Business!
Students experience the initial steps necessary to start a business as they identify their own entrepreneurial characteristics, develop a startup from its ideation, innovation, and market research through to pitching their new business idea to potential “funders”. It’s My Business is delivered in partnership with AIB.
Strand: Human EnvironmentsStrand Unit: People living and working in the local area andpeople living and working in a contrasting part of Ireland.
- explore and investigate, especially through practical studies,a small number of the common economic activities of peoplein the locality and in a contrasting part of Ireland
Strand: Myself and the wider worldStrand Unit: Developing citizenship
•discuss the role of leaders and organisations that serve thecommunity at different levels and the influence that they have
•develop and practice leadership roles and learn to work together.
Strand: Myself Strand Unit: Making Decisions
•make individual and group decisions
Climate Change & You
Through a fun and interactive 2- module programme students will increase their knowledge and awareness of global warming. Volunteers will encourage students to identify ways to reduce their carbon footprint and help their community. Climate Change and You is delivered in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency.
Strand: Environment Awareness
• come to appreciate the need to conserve resources
Strand: Caring for the Environment
• come to appreciate individual, community and national responsibility for environmental care
Strand: Designing and Making
• explore how some objects might be improved or adapted
Strand: Myself and the wider world
Strand Unit: Developing citizenship
• identify some local issues of concern and explore possible action that could be taken to address these issues
Strand: Myself and the wider world; Strand Unit: Environmental Care
• appreciate and respect the environment and learn that there is an individual and community responsibility in caring for the environment and protecting it for future generations.
Our World
Strand: Environment Awareness
•come to appreciate the need to conserve resources
Strand:Caring for the Environment
•come to appreciate individual, community and national responsibility forenvironmental care
Strand: Designing and Making
•explore how some objects might be improved or adapted
Strand: Applying and Problem solving
•analyse problems and plan an approach to solving them
•reflect upon and evaluate solutions to problems.
Strand: Making Contructions
•explore and experiment with the properties and characteristics ofmaterialsin making structure
Power of Design
- Strand: Drawing
- Strand Unit: Making Drawings
- continue to develop awareness of how people and objects occupy space - Strand Unit: Looking & responding
- look at and talk about his/her work
- Strand: Myself and the wider world
- Strand Unit: Developing Citizenship
- identify some local issues of concern and explore possible action that could be taken to address these issues
The exciting world of science is all around us! Energize, delivered in partnership with Gas Networks Ireland, encourages students to continue with science in second level education and beyond and introduces them to the career opportunities available to them in the future. Energize explores the world of science; health and wellbeing, forensics, energy, safety and light in a fun and exciting way. Students also have the chance to participate in a Carbon Monoxide Safety Poster Competition with an opportunity win a prize for their class.
- Strand: Environmental awareness and care
- Strand Unit: Science and the environment
- Recognize the contribution of scientists to society
- examine some ways that science and technology have contributed positively to the use of the Earth’s resources
- Strand: Energy and Forces
- Strand Unit: Light
- Investigate the refraction of light
- Investigate how mirrors and other shiny surfaces are good reflectors of light - Strand: Materials
- Strand Unit: Properties & characteristics of materials
- identify and investigate a widening range of common materials in the immediate