Students Top The Poll at Limerick City & County Council

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Well done to Limerick City and County Council who hosted school visits for 6th class students from Presentation Primary, Limerick.
They were thrilled to visit the Council Chamber in Merchants Quay. It was perfect timing with the Local and European elections along with the Mayor of Limerick election for the students to explore the topic of voting! Students got an insight into why we vote, how votes are cast and the counting of votes. To top off a great visit, students had a Q&A session with the outgoing Mayor of Limerick, Gerald Mitchell. Thank you to all involved from Limerick City & County Council who provided such a warm welcome for the students and ensured it was an informative and enjoyable morning that the students will remember!
Margaret Keating, Geraldine Dollard, Tommy Cronolly, Dara McGuigan, Marie Ryan, Valerie Kelly & Margaret McEvoy. #InspiringYoungMinds #VolunteerAppreciation

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