Our Mastercard volunteers before their JA in a Day in Sacred Heart J.N.S.
Enterprise education means encouraging enterprise capability, supported by financial capability and economic and business understanding. This is at the centre of our objectives in JAI and is achieved each year with thanks to our supporting companies and volunteers.
MasterCard is one of our longstanding supporters with MasterCard volunteers having inspired and motivated students from senior infants to 6th year since 2011. They have done this through in-class programmes, interview workshops, maths through sports events and visits to the impressive Central Park office space in Sandyford.
Reccently 23 MasterCard volunteers visited Sacred Heart Junior National School in Killinarden, Dublin 24. In pairs, the volunteers delivered Ourselves, Our Families and Our Community in 11 of the junior classes. These programmes introduce students to the world of work, entrepreneurship, social studies and how families and communities work together – all delivered through interactive, hands-on activities, pitched at a level that’s in-line with their current curriculum.
The students were so excited to learn about the different jobs their volunteers had in MasterCard and to get to know them over the course of the morning as mentors and friends.When asked about the workshop, one 1st class student said;“The helpers in my class were so kind and helpful and made everything seem easier. I learned about so many jobs and that every family is different. I really liked meeting everyone today, I think it was my favourite day in school this year.”
One of our MasterCard volunteers said;“I had an amazing day yesterday! My class brought endless joy and entertainment to the day and they were such a pleasure to teach. Lots of different ways of thinking and everyone willing to participate. I will definitely be back next year!”
Thank you to Mastercard for such an wonderfully impactful morning.