2019-20 JA Programme Synopsis
Junior Achievement Ireland (JAI) is part of a worldwide organisation reaching out to 10 million young people each year and is helping to create a culture of enterprise within the education system. Programmes begin at primary school level, teaching students how they can impact the world around them as individuals, workers and consumers and continue through to second level, right up to age 18, preparing students for their future careers.
All Junior Achievement (JA) programmes are facilitated by business volunteers recruited from supporting organisations who are fully trained and vetted before they commence their programme.
Primary Programmes
Ourselves (5-6 Years)

Story time and small children. JA uses compelling stories about helping, working, earning, and saving along with hands-on activities to engage the students. Ourselves introduces the economic roles of individuals.
Our Families (6–7 Years)

Small children like to do things by themselves. But as children grow, they discover that our society and our economy depend on people working together. JA volunteers use a combination of pictures, stickers, and flashcards to engage students in activities about needs, wants and jobs.
Our Community (7–8 Years)

What lies beyond your front door? Let’s explore it! JA volunteers display a poster of a typical community, and the students meet some of the people who live and work there. Through interactive activities, the students learn about workers, the work they perform, why they are paid, what taxes are etc.
Our City (8–9 Years)

A city is a place where a lot of people live, work, play, and go to school. So JA volunteers help students build a city! Supported by Core the programme guides students to construct paper buildings, map out a city, plan their own restaurant business, create an advertising campaign and examine why banks are important.
Our Nation (9–10 Years)

It’s all about Irish business. In this in-depth and action-packed programme, students role-play business ownership, produce a product using different methods of production, look at the costs associated with running a business, and take charge of their own businesses to make a profit! Our Nation studies business operations, resources and economic issues.
Our World (10–11 Years)

The importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). Each week students explore STEM skills and the role they play in the future of the business world. Exploring how technology and communications are vital growth areas in the global marketplace, students examine entrepreneurship and develop their own business ideas.
Energize (10–12 Years)

The exciting world of science is all around us! Energize, delivered in partnership with Gas Networks Ireland, encourages students to continue with science in second level education and beyond and introduces them to the career opportunities available to them in the future. Energize explores the world of science; health and wellbeing, forensics, energy, safety and light in a fun and exciting way.
The Power of Design (10–12 Years)

A once-off workshop, supported by Dublin City Architects and the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD), which is delivered by those in design roles. Power of Design introduces students to the importance of design in day to day life and the career opportunities in this field.
Second Level Programmes
Futurewize (12–14) Years)

In partnership with Science Foundation Ireland, this 5 week STEM programme links the strands of the junior cycle science curriculum: Earth and Space, Chemical World, Physical World and Biological World, to varied careers and fields of study in STEM. With hands-on activities students journey through Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and uncover the future possibilities within.
Economics of Staying in School (12–14 Years)

Choices have trade-offs. Choices have consequences. We teach students informed choices about their future-education, careers, budgets, and other personal economic decisions. The Economics of Staying in School reinforces the economic benefits of an education.
Smart Futures Workshop (13–16 Years)

Help your 2nd year and TY students to open their eyes to the vast choice of exciting career paths and opportunities in the STEM sector. A JA volunteer shares his/her career story in this once-off workshop which supports the Science Foundation Ireland Smart Futures initiative.
Career Success (15–18 Years)

In partnership with Accenture, JA’s employability programme integrates the Accenture Skills to Succeed Academy (S2S), a digital platform for use by senior cycle second level students. Effective Communication. Teamwork. Personal Brand. Interview Skills. Students practice and develop these skills as the JA business volunteer demonstrates their relevance to school, to work, and to life.
Enterprise in Action (15-18 Years)

Supported by Citi Foundation JA Enterprise in Action encourages students to examine the role of an entrepreneur in today’s society. Students will review entrepreneurship and acknowledge the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills for future roles, as well as the value of ‘intrapreneurship’ and social entrepreneurship. Students work with tangible examples of entrepreneurship such as product ideation and venture creation to enable them to practice skills and acquire knowledge.
Finance Your Future (15–18 Years)

Finance Your Future has been developed with the generous support of MetLife Foundation. The programme explores earning potential, balancing personal budgets, future planning, risk and insurance.
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